Sunday, May 26, 2013

Why You Should Donate to this Missionary Fund

Two years ago, I was at the Farm of the Child as they celebrated Pentecostés (Pentecost Sunday).  The night before was a big celebration.  We built a big bon-fire, had a candle lit parade around the Farm grounds singing beautiful hymns and ended at the Chapel where we prayed the rosary as a community and at each mystery watched our orphaned kids perform a skit.  About half way through, one of the guards came in to notify a missionary that the police were at the gate.  Later on we heard that they had brought a little boy, about 7 or 8, to the gate and dropped him off.  They didn't know where he came from.  All they knew was that he had been passed around the country to get to us.  This is a very typical example of what goes on every day with the children of Honduras.  

I know that this tugs at your heart as it does mine.  The range of emotions is far and wide.  But what do we do; what can we do as there are so many needs in God’s kingdom.  Everything we have has been given to us by God.  The life we have, the education we have been able to receive because of where we were born, even the job that helps sustain our lifestyles and families have all been given to us despite how hard we may have worked to attain them.  

Because of this gift of life, we have the choice and duty to give some of it back to Him in gratitude.  Part of this is giving it back to His kingdom which would be the poor, our Church, ministries that support our faith, and trusted charities that will use these funds correctly and wisely.   

That is why donating and tithing is such a beautiful thing.  It is an intimate and humble way to connect with God.  It is a way to say thank you to our creator and to continue bettering humanity in the small ways that we can.  To send money to a charity for a specific fund like supporting a child (which can easily be done at the Farm of the Child) or sending funds with a mission group to build something for the mission itself is a beautiful way to contribute to this mission.  However, simply sending money and buying building materials is not enough.  

Think about it as if you were trying to build a home.  What if you spent all of your money on buying the building materials and the land?  You wouldn’t have your home.  You would simply have a stack of lumber and building materials on a piece of property.  It is the hands of the dedicated worker and craftsmen that turns the stack of building materials into a home.  One without the other simply does not work.  That is why I have chosen to become one of God’s dedicated craftsmen to the children of Honduras.  

That is why you should donate to a missionary fund.  While not everyone’s circumstances allow them to take 2 ½ years out of their life and move to a third world mission, I feel deeply called by God to do this and do it now.  

Specifically, I need to raise about $12,000 by August 1 to cover my impact while I am fulfilling this calling. 

All I am asking you to do is spend a few minutes in prayer and if you feel moved or inspired, please simply follow these instructions on how to donate below.  I want you to know that I will be praying every day for you while I am at this beautiful and holy place known as the Farm of the Child.  

  1. Mail your check made out to the Farm of the Child (please don’t forget to put Tiffany Ross in the memo section of your check) in a stamped envelope to this address:

    Farm of the Child
    1616 Nottingham Knoll Drive
    Jacksonville, FL 32225

  2. Click here to donate online via the Secure Click & Pledge donation link:  Donate Now! 

[The Farm of the Child is an IRS 501(c)3 organization.  All donations are tax deductible.]

“Remember that when you leave this earth, 
you can take with you nothing which you have received—only what you have given.”     
-St. Francis of Assisi